Have you ever wondered what awkward moments cashiers at Wal*Mart have to endure? I was blessed with many different scenarios that I had to strive through. Three events have made it to the top three awkward that I have experienced due to the embarrassment, the events that have followed and the reactions I get whenever I retell the story. From the weird, the awkward and even the flattering, the events never cease to amaze me.
The first situation that I must enlighten you with is the time that a man decided to flatter me with a preposition I some what could not refuse. I was sixteen at the time when this man (we will call him Joe) came through my till. All the lines at Wal*Mart were long and it was excruciatingly warm outside and inside of the building. He mentioned that he was thirty-four and his work and such. Joe was very kind and at the end of the transaction he wanted to know if I would like to date him. At that moment in time, I felt as though someone just turned up the thermostat, and I began to feel the heat rushing to my face. I politely and quietly replied that I was a mere sixteen years of age and already had a significant other. His face went blank and I suddenly felt sorry for Joe. He took the rejection well and politely said, "Thank you, have a nice day,'' and then left. I replied the same and after he left, I let out a heavy sigh. Some people didn't take rejection very well, especially when they feel like a pedophile.
In Penticton, we live in a senior set community (if you have not noticed when you go out for a walk and an old truck almost hits you). Many of them happen to come through Wal*Mart on a daily basis. I have had a few conversations with a few of them and they are alright to converse with. But there is this one time I wished the gentleman did check his hearing aid. I politely asked him how was his day and if he found everything. You'd think he heard me, but no he did not and so I repeated myself louder. He smiled, answered politely and added, "No need to raise your voice dear I can hear just fine." "O.K. then..." I thought to myself. He notices my name tag and says, " Le-ho...what a lovely name! What nationality is it?" "It's Lewah." "Beg your pardon?" "Leewaah," I pronounciate. "Oh! What country is it from?" he exclaimed. I sighed and replied, "My name is pronounced Leewaah, and it is from Viet Nam." "Oh that is a very unique and beautiful name Lehoe." I just gave up and finished the transaction. The next customer greets me with, "Good evening Lehoe. How are you doing?" For some odd reason everyone called me that all throughout my whole work shift. And since then many a senior have insisted on calling me Lehoe, instead of Lehoa (Leewah).
I'd like to enlighten you on one more event that has taken a toll on my teenaged years. It was about a couple weeks before Christmas. Everyone was emotionally strung and you could hear children screaming and crying their eyes out. Everyone just wanted to go home. I heard them coming from a good two hundred feet away. A nice looking couple all of a sudden broke out in a heated arguement while walking throughout the whole entire store oblivious to all the bystanders gawking at them. By the time they ended up at the end of my till, silence had filled the gaps between them. "Hello, how's it going?" I asked with a cheery tone. Silence filled the gap. "Um, did you find everything O.K?" Silence once again. The husband began to place the products rather violently on the conveyer belt. Once I turned to ring another product through, a box projected towards me. I caught it before it hit the ground and glanced at the box. Playtex Tampons. His wife gave me an sympathetic glance, and she mentioned it to her husband. And unfortunately that set him off and there they were at it again. Screaming and yelling at each other ready to strangle eachother. They paid and left without saying a word to me. The lady after them was commenting on how she thought the husband needed the tampons more than the wife actually. "Talk about PMS eh?"
Grad Photo
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Power of My Choice
Of all the superpowers I have ever heard of, I have considered having psychic abilities. Having these abilities would allow one to do numerous things. Things like levitation, or reading other peoples minds are things that interest me the most about this ability. Not only just for sheer joy of having a superpower, but with being able to read minds, one could help others that have been greatly affected by traumatic events. Let's just say there is a person named Bob, and he endured losing his loved ones. It would benefit to be able to peer into his mind and be able to communicate with them on a different level and be able to establish trust. Being able to move heavy objects with one's mind would relieve the strain on the back. Not only that but being able to preserve the flooring to a better quality. And with this one must think about the relief of the finiancial strain. Hm. Anyone up for a trip to Honolulu?
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